Go Fast with BurstIQ’s UI SDK and Platform APIs

4 min readNov 2, 2020

By Tyson Henry

Let’s admit something… most of us like to go fast! Maybe as kids, it was who could go the fastest on their bikes or skateboards. There are so many high octane sports around the world: Formula 1, Nascar, Track and Field, Boston Marathon, Ironman, and more. Heck, in case just going fast isn’t enough, we turn races into crazy obstacle courses, Spartan Races, BMX, downhill moguls.

Business is no different; we are in a race to see who can be, “First to market!”

In software development, it is increasingly important to leverage building blocks and tools to get to market quickly (and produce a better product). Who wants to write the TCP/IP protocol layer for a REST-based application server?! Or the actual mouse events from the interrupt controls?!

There is an ever-growing need to leap ahead of the development cycle; to focus on the “task at hand” rather than the back-end tools and infrastructure. In other words, I want to focus on my specific business problem and do it REALLY well!

This is one of the biggest drivers in why we developed the BurstIQ Platform. We wanted to eliminate all of the work of building and running a first-class SOC 2 Type II data infrastructure with enterprise blockchain functionality, so our partners can focus on solving their business problems.

This month, BurstIQ released the AdaptiveIQ web application as npm modules to developers for building their applications. AdaptiveIQ is an Angular based Progressive Web App (PWA). It is developed in TypeScript with a modular/pluggable design making use of numerous in-house reusable libraries.

Key aspects include using Material Design styling and components, reactive state management, and highly maintained open source projects to deliver a reliable and consistent experience. On the Developers’ Portal is documentation, a base UI starter kit, and videos on how the entire set of modules can get a UI up and running on the Platform very quickly.

From there, developers can build pluggable tools into the UI framework that become a seamless part of the AdaptiveIQ web app. Built-in tools like dashboards, Insight Cards, User Administration, User Preferences, and more.

As the UI SDKs are launched, BurstIQ’s engineers, Brian Huber and Lenny Reed, estimate if a company uses only 50% of the modules provided, they can still realize 5–6 months of reduced development time. If a company chooses to leverage over 70% of the available features, that number could be roughly 9 months. And using many of the smaller, side features, and the interaction with the server framework, that number could go as high as 12 months!

Running those cost reductions and support in parallel to Platform acceleration gives startups and small development staffs a crystal clear way to go from 0–60 in ways not possible in most other services. Additionally, at the end of a prototype, Minimally Viable Product (MVP), or Initial Offering Capability (IOC) phase, the client’s application code, data, and Platform are production-ready with all of the security and blockchain features previously discussed.

Putting this to the actual test, BurstIQ and our partners have developed applications in sharply reduced timeframes. Travis James, CEO of Tribe Health, uses the BurstIQ Platform and says, “BurstIQ saved me 10 months of development time.

That is product acceleration! Moving from concept to reality with massive reduction in cost, time, support, maintenance is the difference between predator and prey in today’s fast-paced markets.

Empiric Health, a spinoff of Intermountain Healthcare, saw a similar acceleration and reduction in costs. Before engaging with BurstIQ, the company received a development bid of 18 months to deliver an IOC. BurstIQ delivered the IOC in 5 months using the Secure Data Grid Platform and the AdaptiveIQ framework. This was done using the same framework and platform technologies available to anyone.

We’re developers, just like you.

Our team knows what it takes to build complex, secure technology solutions for healthcare. We also know how important it is to get your products to market fast. Five years ago when our company was founded, we made a list of the things we wished existed to help us build cooler stuff faster. Then, we built that platform for you.

Now, what will you build?




Solving the security and transparency issues with health data. Making it easy to protect, access, connect, and learn. #blockchain #cybersecurity #healthcare